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apple customer care ambulance n. A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded. interrupt v. To stop while in progress. Working in the media can be a great career. and assistance with navigating around application menus profligacy n. Shameless viciousness. bibliophile n. One who loves books. appreciable adj. Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect. immovable adj. Steadfast. stallion n. An uncastrated male horse commonly one kept for breeding. distill v. To extract or produce by vaporization and condensation. apple telephone deceit n. Falsehood. contingency n. Possibility of happening. inlet n. A small body of water leading into a larger. travail n. Hard or agonizing labor. grievous adj. Creating affliction. philosophy n. The general principles laws or causes that furnish the rational explanation ministry n. A service. nuptial adj. Of or pertaining to marriage especially to the marriage ceremony. sensation n. A condition of mind resulting from spiritual or inheren...